Prof. Marc P. Bonaca, University of Colorado, USA

“The pace of scientific discovery is accelerating and scientific meetings remain at the core of disseminating discoveries. The volume of information and competing presentations make it challenging to view and absorb it all. In addition, busy schedules sometimes make attendance impossible.

The Medicom Conference Reports offer a high-quality and balanced solution. An excellent summary of key presentations is drafted by physicians, peer-reviewed for balance, and presented in a way that makes the key findings succinct and understandable. Sharing the report amongst colleagues is an excellent way to facilitate collaborative discussion around key findings. It also serves as a handy reference to access key datapoints when recalling a key presentation.

I highly recommend Medicom Conference Reports to all of my colleagues and trainees!”


Prof. Gert Ossenkoppele, Amsterdam UMC, the Netherlands

“The scientific progress in haematological diseases is developing with high pace. Major congresses like the annual meetings of EHA and ASH are really important and instrumental in disseminating this new knowledge. Even if you attend in person such a meeting it is really impossible to visit all presentations of importance. It becomes even more challenging when you have to stay home.

But fortunately there is a very good solution: the Medicom Conference Reports offer an unbiased well-balanced and well-written selection of the most important conference presentations. This is highly recommended material that keeps you up-to-date with all new scientific findings.”


Dr. Agna Neto, Madeira, Portugal

“I am a practising rheumatologist based in Portugal with active involvement in various scientific research projects and I am honoured to be part of this process. I’ve been reviewing Medicom Conference Reports since 2018. I feel that peer review holds paramount importance in maintaining the quality, credibility, and accuracy of scientific literature. I consider peer review as a commitment to sharing medical knowledge responsibly and ethically. The peer review process for Medicom Conference Reports ensures rigorous scrutiny, enhancing the reliability of the information presented. This way, we ensure that the reports meet the highest standards of accuracy, validity, and relevance. Ultimately, this benefits the entire medical community, who can trust the content disseminated through these reports.”


Prof. Dennis McGonagle, University of Leeds, UK

“I have been having the honour of editing Medicom Conference Reports for 6 years. The selection of key abstracts and peer review of the report by two colleagues is essential towards accurately capturing the essence of new findings and their accurate reporting from these conferences. Peer-reviewed content is crucial to succinctly capture new developments and to direct the reader to implications of work and what future strategies will be followed.”


Dr Lucia Cestelli, University of Bergen, Norway

“I have been reviewing Medicom Conference Reports for 3 years. I think peer review is fundamental for science, as it is the best way to ensure the quality of publications and also improve their content. Peer review also increases the knowledge of the reviewers and stimulates new ideas. With peer review, Medicom Conference Reports are adequately verified before being published and meet high standards. This is beneficial for both readers and publishers.”


Prof. P.N. Richard Dekhuijzen, Radboud University Medical Center, the Netherlands

“I am a Series Editor for major pulmonary journals and have been reviewing Medicom Conference Reports for 10 years. Peer review ensures the readers and the public that all news items and statements are evidence-based, correct and free of any bias. The Medicom Conference Reports offer a balanced overview of recent developments and outcomes of studies, as presented at major international conferences. A thorough collaboration between the medical writers, the peer reviewers and the Editor is essential to reach these goals. Medicom has composed a very good and professional team to prepare these reports.”


Prof. Peter van de Kerkhof, Radboud University Medical Center, the Netherlands

“I am emeritus professor of dermatology and have been involved in research in the disease psoriasis for more than 45 years. For 5 years I have been reviewing Medicom Conference Reports. I feel that peer-reviewed reports provide a special expert view on the relevance and significance of contributions at a conference. It is like moving from a two-dimensional image to a three-dimensional comprehensive picture. Peer-reviewed Medicom Conference Reports can provide these additional insights.”


Dr Stefan Rauh, Centre Hospitalier Emile Mayrisch, Luxembourg

“I am a medical oncologist based in Luxembourg, active in several cancer societies and a keen participant of scientific conferences in the field of oncology. I have been a Series Editor of Medicom Oncology Conference Reports since 2017. To me, the process of peer review guarantees faithful reporting of the original presentations while ensuring an unbiased assessment. They may also lower the risk of AI-automated journalism. Medicom’s conference platform allows me to accomplish these goals in complete freedom, and with high reporting and support standards.”


Dr Joelle Collignon, CHU Liège, Belgium

“Since 2019 I have been reviewing Medicom Conference Reports in oncology. I value the peer-reviewed Medicom Conference Reports as they help to give important information for daily practice every year.”