Custom Content

Medicom offers diverse possibilities for custom content through our medical writers, video crew, graphic artists, and editorial team. For example, we provide a key opinion leader (KOL) interviews, cover satellite symposia, report on selected posters, prepare literature reviews on any medical topic, or attend and summarise expert meetings.

Medical writing & more

  • A KOL can connect various take-home messages from a different sessions and explain why and how these new studies will change their practice. Medicom can engage a local KOL to describe how and why this conference will impact the daily practice in a specific country.
  • Our team of medical writers and/or video crew can cover satellite symposia or expert meetings. For example, as a series of interviews to be published online or as an advertorial in the Conference Report print edition. This approach is often used to highlight a novel mode-of-action introduced by a new trial or a trial update.
  • Our team can generate professional infographics summarising key clinical trials, appropriate for social media distribution, review articles, or handout flyers.
  • Medicom can generate content for a social media campaign.
  • Medicom’s medical writers have extensive experience drafting EU and NIH grants and can offer writing support as a service.
  • Our team creates Medical Education programs, such as interactive Clinical Dilemma’s. Take for example the Case of Francesca, who is diagnosed with VHL disease.